Saturday, September 17, 2016

The German Shepherd Or Alsatian Dog


The German Shepherd - Alsatian Dog. The German Shepherd, moreover known as Alsatian, is a very intelligent dog with a very noble look, he has elegant flowing lines and intelligent expression.

He is an active dog and an obedient worker. He has all the qualities to make him what's considered to be the ideal dog. While being nimble and fast he makes a fantastic pet or work dog, he has a very good nature and is a natural sportsman. They enjoy being around people and similar animals. German Shepherds are well suited to obedience training. Alsatian is most often blackish with tan but can also have variations of coat color including all blackish. Mostly there're three coat varieties, rough coated, long rough coated and long haired. Quite a few more obvious are police and guard dog, in this role they can be used to apprehend criminals, sniff out drugs and explosives and find lost people, as a working dog German Shepherds are suited to various jobs. You should take it into account. They are also used by rescue associations to find people trapped in collapsed building or buried alive in disaster zones. Then, German Shepherds can also be used as guide or degree of intelligence they are ideally suited to the task.

In the case of the German Shepherd its history isn't very old, as a matter of fact the dogs you see now have only been around since the end of the 19th century, that came about from a breeding amalgamation between various Shepherding dogs by Capt Max von Stephanitz who is classed the father of the breed.

There are hundreds of famous German Shepherds in the history vaults, so that's being that the popularity of the breed and the versatile and intelligence of the animal. Some have even become movie stars like The Littlest Hobo and Rin Tin who made 26 movies and at his peak was receiving 10000 fan letters a week. Others just have famous owners just like Clipper who was president Kennedy's dog. A well-known fact that is. Over the years German Shepherds have rescued and saved hundreds of lives either by being trained to or just since they love their owners.

The German Shepherd will live for approximately 10 to 12 years and will need plenty of exercise, including a large play area or garden.

With its high ability to learn good training is essential, you will have to give extensive training in the early years. They will also shed hair every now and then and seasonally it will shed heavily. Brushing twice weekly is recommended but if hair is a big issue in the home daily brushing is recommended. Bathing should happen rarely and at the most only twice a year to avoid removal of essential skin oils. Watch out for hip problems as so it is an area where German Shepherds are prone to having problems.

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